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Welcome to KCCA!

KCCA is a collective of volunteers that provides quality, competent, free childcare for ongoing meetings and one-time events for progressive organizations. You can browse our blog posts below to see what we’ve been up to and click here to read our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’!

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Childcare + Hackerspace = Awesome!

The maker movement that seems to have so much momentum lately has been given a new and exciting twist in the Bay Area. Mothership Hackermoms bills itself as the first ever women’s hackerspace, and provides free or inexpensive child care to anyone who wants to come use the space.

Very cool! Look at all those wee ones!

Hat tip to Shareable, which is a great source of info about cooperative activity of all sorts!

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Required Reading for all KCCA Kids!

Checkout this great new kids book: A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara

Book cover

B is for banner, D is for democracy, G is for grassroots. Awesome!

I think we will be ordering a copy of this one for storytime…

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KCCA Fall Fundraiser!!!

KCCA is having a fundraiser this fall for a special cause*!

Live music supplied by SnakeShark and Georgia Slim (of I Want Whiskey)!
Spectacular Hulahooping by Renee Cooper!
Post-Thanksgiving potluck vittles (bring your leftovers)!
Legendary “KCCA Sunrise” cocktails will be on sale from the old camper party bar for $4 apiece!

(Party may or may not ressemble this image.)

Friday, November 30, 2012
1624 Paxton St., Atlanta, 30317
5:00pm – 9:00pm
Sliding scale $5-$10++ door charge

If you can’t attend but would like to donate to the special cause, please visit the donate page.

KCCA parties never disappoint. DON’T MISS IT!

* Learn more about our special cause at the event.

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Tips for Consensus

I just stumbled across what looks like a great series of blog posts over at the Federation of Egalitarian Communities on the finer points of consensus-based meetings.

The latest post is about the pace of meetings: when to accelerate (e.g. introductions, reports) and when to slow down (e.g. tough decisions, emotional issues). Meeting pace is definitely something KCCA (and a good few other orgs I’ve been involved with) could use some practice on!

Other topics covered so far have been:

  • When do you know enough to act?
  • Closing the deal
  • Wordsmithing in plenary
  • Redirecting competition
  • Bridging disparate views
  • Harvesting partial product
  • When to be formal
  • Harnessing brainstorms
  • Coping with blocking energy
  • Defining respect
  • Balancing voices

(Links are to be found in the blog post–go there!)

Golly I’d love to be at a meeting facilitated by this person! We should all get better at this stuff!

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KCCA Makes Meetings Fun!

In an effort to boost participation and enthusiasm, KCCA has decided to start holding regular meetings on the 17th of each month, and to run each meeting as a vegan potluck dinner!

September’s meeting was the first such one held and it was a great success. Pictured below are the vegan beanballs (later added to spaghetti) brought by Tom S.

Tonight’s meeting is shaping up to be another winner. Look for more photos from tonight here soon!

Vegan Beanballs!

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KCCA’s New Organizer Roles

KCCA has defined eight exciting and essential roles for organizers in the collective. The purpose of the roles is to encourage enthusiasm, consistency, and accountability in the performance of group’s key duties. Awesome! Even more awesome is that all the roles were filled last night at our monthly meeting and potluck!

Without further ado, the roles and their occupants are:

  • Administrative Volunteer – Amariah L.
  • Volunteer Recruiter – Caitlyn O.
  • Blogger – Tom S.
  • Party Planner – Caroline C.
  • Partner Coordinator – Adam W.
  • Treasurer – Amariah L.
  • ICCC Liaison – Sam A.
  • Meeting Facilitator – Kelli S.

Many of these roles will need lots of support from other volunteers. If you’re interested in helping out, get in touch!

Also, go to our Organizer Role page for details on the responsibilities of each role.

Hooray for KCCA!

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Our Friend’s New Book!

Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind, by Victoria Law and China Martens. PM Press, 2012.

Hey All!

Check out this new book by our friend China Martens! China is a lead organizer with Kidz City, a Baltimore childcare collective. She was heavily involved in the planning of the Kid’s Track and Childcare Collective Network Gathering at this year’s Allied Media Conference. Also check out the sidebar link to Kidz City for more info on what they’re up to in Baltimore!

“Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind is a collection of concrete tips, suggestions, and narratives on ways that non-parents can support parents, children, and caregivers in their communities, social movements, and collective processes. Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind focuses on issues affecting children and caregivers within the larger framework of social justice, mutual aid, and collective liberation.

How do we create new, nonhierarchical structures of support and mutual aid, and include all ages in the struggle for social justice? There are many books on parenting, but few on being a good community member and a good ally to parents, caregivers, and children as we collectively build a strong all-ages culture of resistance. Any group of parents will tell you how hard their struggles are and how they are left out, but no book focuses on how allies can address issues of caretakers’ and children’s oppression. Many well-intentioned childless activists don’t interact with young people on a regular basis and don’t know how. Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind provides them with the resources and support to get started.

Contributors include: The Bay Area Childcare Collective, Ramsey Beyer, Rozalinda Borcilă, Mariah Boone, Marianne Bullock, Lindsey Campbell, Briana Cavanaugh, CRAP! Collective, a de la maza pérez tamayo, Ingrid DeLeon, Clayton Dewey, David Gilbert, A.S. Givens, Jason Gonzales, Tiny (aka Lisa Gray-Garcia), Jessica Hoffman, Heather Jackson, Rahula Janowski, Sine Hwang Jensen, Agnes Johnson, Simon Knaphus, Victoria Law, London Pro-Feminist Men’s Group, Amariah Love, Oluko Lumumba, mama raccoon, Mamas of Color Rising/Young Women United, China Martens, Noemi Martinez, Kathleen McIntyre, Stacey Milbern, Jessica Mills, Tomas Moniz, Coleen Murphy, Maegan ‘la Mamita Mala’ Ortiz, Traci Picard, Amanda Rich, Fabiola Sandoval, Cynthia Ann Schemmer, Mikaela Shafer, Mustafa Shakur, Kate Shapiro, Jennifer Silverman, Harriet Moon Smith, Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie, Darran White Tilghman, Jessica Trimbath, Max Ventura, and Mari Villaluna” (

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The Allied Media Conference is coming up at the end of June, and we need your support to get our volunteers up to Detroit! This conference affords us an annual opportunity to meet up with fellow childcare collective organizers from all over the country to share strategy, vision, goals, and plans for long-term collaborative organizing. This is our second year as a member of the Intergalactic Conspiracy of Childcare Collectives (ICCC) and we are thrilled to have had a large part in organizing a Network Gathering for this year’s AMC. This is a full day (the Thursday before the conference begins on Friday) during which ICCC members and other interested childcare organizers will meet and spend an ENTIRE DAY discussing childcare collective organizing. Here is the description of the network gathering (updated):

The Intergalactic Conspiracy of Childcare Collectives (ICCC) is a network of collectives who support grassroots organizing by providing childcare at social justice events and meetings. We came together two years ago at the US Social Forum and continued building together for the AMC2011 Kids Track. Using this foundation, the ICCC Network Gathering will be a space to discuss shared politics and visions for ensuring that social justice movements prioritize family/kid-friendly spaces, intergenerationality, and communal care-taking. We will include conversations on why we do this important work, creative space for building resources, and general relationship-building.

This is our day to think through ways that childcare providers across the country can support each other in our work. We welcome childcare providers to attend.

Please support our organizing efforts by attending

An Indulgent Dinner Party with KCCA.

  Friday, June 8th 5pm-8pm
Phillip Rush Center 1530 Dekalb Ave, Suite A, Atlanta, GA 30307

We will be serving delicious Mediterranean food with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options. Plates cost $10 and kids’ plates are $5. You will have a menu with several options to choose from as well as friendly table service! Dinner will include an appetizer, a main course, a dessert, and one drink. There will also be a donation-based bar.

This is, of course, a very child-friendly event! There will be a room full of toys and fun activities in case your kids need to take a break from the table. Lively music will be playing all evening, there will be a short screening of what we have done on our radical childcare documentary so far, and guests will get to participate in creating the next version of our radical coloring book!

Come treat yourself!

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SPARK and Project South: Mama’s Day Brunch

Caitliyn, Camille, and Tom braved the spring heat to represent at the Mama’s Day Brunch put on by SPARK and Project South. We were setup at the SoulShine house (next door to the event venue) which was an AMAZING space with lots of toys and multiple rooms and a great front yard.

Unfortunately, no children showed up for the event! (A few very young ones were in attendance but stayed with their mothers.) So we played hopscotch and chatted and had a lovely afternoon despite it all.

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Hey everyone!

Kcca is gunna need some folx to play with some kids and help table for mayday so if you
are free on tueday may 1st, give me a call to find out how you can plug in 678 886 8469

-thanx a lot -Tim

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