GLAHR State Assembly (Asamblea Estatal)

On March 24th and 25th, GLAHR had its first State Assembly (Asamblea Estatal), where all of the groups GLAHR has been working with from across the state met and had discussions about immigration reform. These were all people from the state of Georgia, many of whom came from rural/south Georgia. The event had an amazing turnout with around 100 participants. Over the course of two days they discussed campaign strategies for the fight for immigrants rights over the next two years. KCCA was delighted to be able to provide child care for both days. We hung out with 13 awesome kids on Saturday and 11 on Sunday. Many amazing popsicle stick/feathered/glittered puppets were made, much play-dough mashed into cookies and other assorted goodies, dozens of soft balls thrown across the large hotel room, games of Red Light Green Light were played, and even a few naps were had. Enjoy our pictures!

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